Hello all

On the evening Wednesday February 20th the club hosted its Annual General Meeting. As part of the AGM process we again hold a vote for Officers of the Club. The following people were voted in to the clubs executive committee for the coming season.

Patron - Robin Atkins
President - Cory Duckworth
Vice President - Evan Baldwin
Treasurer - Diane Lamont
Secretary - Maree Rodgers
Club Captain - Murray Rodgers

General Committee Members are:
Andrew Lane
Kerry Thompson
Lance Bowers

If anyone else is interested in joining the committee please feel free to message me to discuss.

I will be posting the upcoming events the club will be hosting on our page and website however as an overview the dates are below.

April 7th - Winter Series Round 1
May 12th - Winter Series Round 2
June 2nd - Winter Series Round 3 (Queens Birthday Weekend)
July 7th - Winter Series Round 4
August 4th - Winter Series Round 5 (Final Round) Followed by the Prize Giving

As you will see we are back running an event on Queens Birthday Weekend. Over the past year we have been discussing this within the committee and this year we have decided to try to bring back (Sunday racing only initially) the SWMCC Queens Birthday weekend event that once upon a time used to be a huge event in the MX calendar. This will be a standalone trophy event for the day however points collected by competing club members at this event count towards their points tally for the Winter Series hence why we also have this published as round 3 of the winter series.

There is no drop a round this year with point scoring, Winter Series trophies will only be presented to club members that have competed and point scored in 4 from 5 of the proposed events. We recommend you have your club membership arranged prior to round one to ensure you collect points from the get go, as well as reduce time for the committee and queues at round one .The entry form will be updated and posted in the next few weeks via our website and Facebook.

Club membership remains at $35.00 per year for individuals and $55.00 for family membership. Family membership consists of 2 adults (ie Parents only consisting of mum and dad, mum and partner or dad and partner) and 3 children, (children are considered not over the age of 17 at the time of membership). Please note all family members must reside at the same address and a membership form must be completed for each family member. For all club members annual key hire is available for $200.00 for the 12 month period from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019. This is a $50.00 increase on the previous 5 plus years fees, however it is for 1 rider only 8 visits to the track in a 12 month [period and if you are a family of 2 or 3 riders its 2 maybe 3 visits in a 12 month period and the cost is covered.

** Current annual keys out on hire expire on March 31st, the locks will be changed so your key will no longer work, these keys should be returned to Diane Lamont, SWMCC, PO Box 177 Tokoroa. If your key is not returned you may be invoiced for the replacement **

The Supercross track is to remain in place for the coming season. We strongly advise that you take extreme care if riding this track as we’ve seen in the past that talent can run out rather quickly and we don’t wish anyone to injure themselves.
This of course means we will be building a new mini track at the top (entrance end) of the pits. Construction of this track commences next week.

As the weather has been hot and dry it is very unlikely we will not reopen the facility again before our first club day. We are again making alterations to the main track in areas to improve flow and track options.

We are looking for a facility sponsor, this give you naming rights to the facility on signage, entry forms, trophies etc. If you are interested in this please contact me directly.

We also offer options to hire the facility for training or special events. If this is something you are interested in, again please contact me directly.

If you have any questions regarding the club, please feel free to contact any of the committee, details are on the website www.superx.nz under the contacts tab.

We look forward to a great season ahead, thank you to everyone for your support.

Kind regards

Cory Duckworth

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