Round 1 of our 3 round club champs.
SWMCC Club days are run Under MNZ Rules. You need to be MNZ licensed, if you aren’t MNZ licensed, you can purchase a day license.
7.30am to 8.30am Riders Briefing 8.45 to 9.00am
PRACTICE: Starts between 9.00 and 9.15am
Members: Seniors and Juniors - $25.00
Non Club Members: $30.00
Minis $15.00 for Club Members / $20.00 for Non Members
Extra Classes: $15.00 (excludes Mini Riders stepping up to Juniors)**
Day Licence: $20.00 for Club Members / $25.00 for Non Members
Transponders: $20.00 (Day Hire)
Transponder Brackets: $15.00 (Yours to keep)
Championship points will only be awarded to current club members running transponders.
LATE FEE: - $20.00
** If a Mini rider wishes to ride the Junior classes also, they first pay the Junior entry and then the Mini fee.
- Classes may be combined if numbers allow.
- There are 3 races per day, plus a practice session.
- All Junior and Senior lap scoring is done by Transponders (not compulsory but club members must use to be awarded club points)
- Mini lap scoring is done manually