Hi Everyone,

On Wednesday March 7th we held our annual AGM. The following People were elected or re elected into the executive roles within the committee.

President - Cory Duckworth
Vice President - Evan Baldwin
Treasurer - Diane Lamont
Secretary - Maree Rodgers
Club Captain - Kerry Thompson

General Committee Members are:

Murray Rodgers
Anthonia Foster
Andrew Lane

If anyone else is interested in joining the committee please feel free to message me to discuss.

I will be posting the upcoming events the club will be hosting on our page and website however as an overview the dates are below.

May 6th - Winter Series Round 1
June 2nd - Waikato Mini X Championship (its back for 2018)
July 1st - Winter Series Round 2
October 7th - Winter Series Round 3
November 4th - Winter Series Round 4 (final round)

There is no drop a round this year as it is only a 4 round club championship. You will notice we are not running in April as April 1st is Easter Weekend. We are also not hosting club days in August and September as the majority of our committee are dairy farmers and this is peak calving time so club manpower will be reduced by 70% on race days which is no where near enough committee manpower to operate two race tracks.

Club membership remains at $35.00 per year for individuals and $55.00 for family membership, please note all family members reside at the same address and a membership form must be completed for each family member. For all club members annual key hire is available for $150.00 from April 1st 2018 to March 31st 2019. Day key hire remains at $25.00 for non members and $20.00 for members showing their current club card at the time of key hire. All riders must pay.

** Current annual keys out on hire expire on March 31st, the locks will be changed so your key will no longer work, these keys should be returned to Diane Lamont, SWMCC, PO Box 177 Tokoroa. If your key is not returned you may be invoiced for the replacement **

The Supercross track will be converted back to a mini track in the next few weeks and the main track will also undergo a tidy up so there may be weekends where the facility is closed while we do this.

Membership forms will be posted on the website in the next week and notified on here once any changes are made and approved.

Thanks and regards


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