28th August 2015 – Track Closure

28th August 2015 – Track Closure

Hi all, The track is currently closed from 5pm Friday 28/8/15 until 9am Monday September 7th.  The closure is for track maintenance with heavy machinery and also prepping ahead of the club champs kicking off on Sunday September 6th. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thanks and regards SWMCC...
Track Key Hire

Track Key Hire

    Track Key Hire Fee Changes       Hi all, at our committee meeting last night it was passed that we will reduce the price to hire a track key for the day. Previously it was $30.00 per rider. This will now be reduced to $25.00 per rider, however if you are a current paid up member of the club and you show your membership card at the time of hiring a key you (the member) will only need to pay $20.00 for the day key. Non members accompanying a current SWMCC club member will still need to pay $25.00 per rider. Members deserve some perks over those that aren’t? If you wish to join our club to benefit on saving an additional $5.00 every time you hire a key you can do so by accessing our brand new websitewww.superx.nz and clicking on ‘Membership and Forms’. We have an electronic membership form that can be completed online or you can print off the SWMCC Membership Form 2015 - 2016, complete it and post it in along with your cheque to SWMCC, PO Box 177, Tokoroa 3444. Membership is only $40.00 per annum for an individual and $60.00 per annum for a family. Please note to qualify for family membership all the family members must permanently reside at the same address. If you wish to hire an annual key and you are a paid up member of the SWMCC for the 2015-2016 season, you can do this for $150.00 per year. Annual Track key hire is identified on both the manual and electronic forms simply tick the box...


    TRACKS     Hi all, It has been brought to my attention that our tracks are being abused by some riders using them. To elaborate on this, our old Super-cross track is now a Mini track. This subject has been brought up in the past and it appears we need to detail a reminder. With this track now being a mini track only, this means no bikes over the 65cc rating are permitted on this track. Exceptions may be made for four stroke engines such as 70 or 80cc machines and possibly 110cc machines but this is at the discretion of an attending committee member who is at the time at the track. No one can say they are not aware this track is a mini track, there is a sign you ride past on the gate entering the track stating mini track only no big bikes. In addition to this it has also been noticed that some individuals are hiring a key and allowing non paying riders into the facility either by leaving the gate unlocked and open for anyone to access or by taking other non paying riders in along with them. Today was a prime example, 3 fees were paid ($90.00) and 8 bikes were seen riding the track. This means 5 bikes ($150.00) were riding for free. Our club leases the land to have a track, we pay for our own buildings, upkeep and machinery to ensure the facility is available for you all, the riders and supporters. If people continue to cheat the system then maybe one day this facility wont be...
Track Key Hire

Track Key Hire

  Track Key Hire     Please respect the Club rules - Day Keys are available for $25.00 per rider per day ** from: Weekdays – (Monday to Friday) The Vet Centre next door to Repco (excluding Public Holidays) Weekends and most Public Holidays – Repco, Ashworth Street, Tokoroa Please note: The key must be returned before the close of business on the day of hire. Cash only please NO EFTPOS!! REMEMBER: ALWAYS check the info line on 08 322 9400 before travelling to avoid disappointment and please observe the track rules for your safety and the safety of others.Please DO NOT phone the Veterinary Centre or Repco for track updates **If you are a current SWMCC Club member and you show your current membership card when hiring a key you will only pay $20.00 for the hire. If you are accompanied by a non-member they are still required to pay $25.00 per rider. Lost or non-returned keys will be charged to the last key hire at a fee of $100.00 Annual Key Hire is available for 2015 - 2016 Paid up Club Members only!...
Mini Track Nearly Ready to Rock n Roll

Mini Track Nearly Ready to Rock n Roll

  Mini Track Nearly Ready to Rock n Roll With Supercross on the decline if not dead and buried here in New Zealand we decided to maximize the use of our facility and turn the once popular SX track into a new Mini’s track. Its the perfect facility for kids to ride and grow with vantage points all around the circuit for parents to watch over their kids as they get to grips with MX riding and racing. Our goal was to have an independent race track for kids starting from aged 4 and we are well on the way to achieving this. We hope to get events running on the track which will consist of several classes including small bore 4 strokes  ie: CRF50’s and TTR50’s and 70’s possibly up to 125cc four strokes depending on the rider age, plus PW50 and QR50 riders, then slightly larger bikes but still small bore 2 strokes, ie: KTM 50’s, KTM and Kawasaki 65’s and again dependent on age, small wheel 85’s. Final decisions are near completion on race groups, ages, cc ratings (dependant on age and experience) by the Mini’s race committee and events are programmed to begin at Round One (May 4th 2014) of our Winter Series. We will always be needing some help to organize and run the mini events so if there are any mini parents out there who would like get involved please get in contact with the committee. It s a huge task to organize a club day involving 2 tracks so the more volunteers can get on board to help with the mini’s, the...

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